Escape into Bliss at Shinagawa Beach

Jul 04, 2018

Shinagawa Beach by Asia Leisure is a 26-room luxury boutique hotel situated on a sparkling stretch of sandy, palm-fringed beach in the coastal town of Balapitiya. It is a spellbinding experience, promising rest, relaxation and complete luxury amidst a one-of-a-kind beach and inescapable views of the deep blue ocean.

Shinagawa Beach is a member ofthe exclusive Small Luxury Hotelsof the World and has also beenrecognized as an International 5Star Hotel for the year 2016-2017by the International Hotel Awards.It was previously recognized as theBest Small Hotel in Sri Lanka at the Asia PacificHotel Awards for 2014-2015”, said Asia Leisure CEO Reyhan Morris.

SHINAGAWA BEACH provides 24 deluxe roomsand two suites with sweeping views of the IndianOcean, private balconies and high-speed Wi-Fi.Deep soaking bathtubs, rain showers and soft duvetsto sink into ensure deep comfort whilst thesuites come equipped with Bose sound systemsand espresso machines.

DINING is yet another magical experience atShinagawa Beach not only for the luscious cuisineand scintillating beverages but exquisite views of the Indian Ocean in all its glory. Salt offers signaturemenus including Sri Lankan dishes with anavant-garde twist. Crimson is a lounge bar offeringdrinks concocted by an award-winning mixologistand created using the finest liqueurs and liquors.The Tuna Boat offers fine dining by the beach witha wooden fishing boat sunk into the soft sands astable top and freshly caught seafood prepared toperfection. For those preferring an even more intimatedining experience, champagne breakfastsand candle lit dinners can be arranged on thebeach or in the balcony of their room.

WATER SPORTS including scuba diving, snuba,jet skiing, sea kayaking, wakeboarding andtowable rides are all on offer at Shinagawa Beach.The colourful Kowilawatte Temple is less than akilometre away from the hotel whilst the riversafaris along the Madu River are not much further.The Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project, theKarandeniya Galagoda Shailatharama Viharayathat houses the largest reclining Buddha statue in South Asia, the Ambalangoda Mask Factory andMuseum, the ancient temple of Kande Viharaya,the moonstone mine in Meetiyagoda and thehistoric city of Galle all lies less than an hour’sdrive away.

SHINAGAWA BEACH is the magically intimateoffering by Asia Leisure, the leisure subsidiary ofAsia Capital PLC. Asia Leisure’s vision is to provideone-of-a-kind hotel experiences across a varietyof locations with focus on unique concepts,catering to a diversity of interests and tastes ofthe luxury


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