Hear your soul whisper at The River House

Jul 04, 2018

A chic minimalist affair, The River House is a five-suite property situated by the serene banks of the Madu River and tucked away amidst lush greenery.

Soulful intimacy, luxuriant suites,intimate dining and amazing serviceare the hallmarks of the offerings ofThe River House,” said Asia Leisure CEO Reyhan Morris. Asia Leisure’svision is to provide one-of-a-kindhotel experiences across a varietyof locations with focus on unique concepts, cateringto a diversity of interests and tastes of theluxury traveler. “The River House has been recognizedas one of the Most Special Escapes in theWorld by the Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hotel Awards,as well as named one of the Top 50 HoneymoonDestinations in the World by The Knot, the largestsource for wedding information,” he added.

THE ELEGANCE of a bygone era - high vaultedceilings, wrap around verandahs, exotic bedspreadsand antique furniture and sculpture – artfullyblend with elegant contemporary comfortsin River House’s five suites. Named after rivers inSri Lanka, each suite is both a villa and sanctuaryin its own right.

VIBRANT COLOURS of the earth come togetherto create a warm, cosy feel in Kirinda and Kala whilst offering absolute solitude with not a soul insight but the nil manel blossoming in your privatepond. Gin and Walawe both offer an open air jacuzzifor two with a waterfall and a private gardenoverlooking the river. Meanwhile, quiet grandeurand gorgeous views of the Madu River come togetherin the immense suite that is Manik. , hometo one of CNN Travel’s 21 Sexiest Plunge Pools forSkinny Dipping in the World.

RIVER HOUSE OFFERS an assortment of intimatedining options be it a champagne breakfast bythe river bank, a picnic lunch under a kumbuktree, or a candle lit dinner in the seclusion ofyour suite. Its seven acres of tropical gardenteems with wildlife whilst the magnificent poolis surrounded by cashew and nuga trees withpurple-faced langurs swinging on the branches.In addition, Asia Leisure’s proprietary amoda spais the perfect start to any holiday, using ayurvedarituals and luxurious products to massage yourstresses away, the ideal start off to a romanticgetaway.

RIVER HOUSE HAS its own private boathouse andoffers boat trips down the Madu River promising sightings of water monitors, kingfishers, eaglesand monkeys amongst the sixty-four islets andverdant surroundings. Guests are also offeredthe option of kayaking on the river if they preferto explore on their own. Lunuganga – the architecturalmarvel that world renowned GeoffreyBawa designed and called home – as well as BriefGardens – the former home of his brother BevisBawa – are also nearby and trips can be arrangedby the hotel.

THE RIVER HOUSE, Balapitiya is the intimatelyromantic offering by Asia Leisure, the leisuresubsidiary of Asia Capital

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